Composition and micro-morphology of porous PVA hydrogels and their poisson's ratio and mechanical properties 多孔PVA水凝胶的组成、形貌及泊松比等力学性能研究
Poisson's ratio represents the negative ratio of transverse and longitudinal strains. 泊松比的定义为样品横向应变与轴向应变的相反数。
When compressive stress reaches zero, a critical value of the post-peak Poisson's ratio is achieved. 流浪者一生飘泊无定当压缩应力降至零时,峰后泊松比达到临界值。
On the Measurement Of Young's Modulus And Poisson's Ratio For Solids Based On Optical Fiber Sensors 基于光纤传感器的固体杨氏模量与泊松比测量方法研究
On this basis, the influences of the Poisson's ratio of soil, shear modulus of soil, shear modulus of lining and thickness of lining on dynamic response of the lining are analyzed. 在此基础上,分析了均布突加荷载作用下土体泊松比、剪切模量及衬砌剪切模量、衬砌厚度对衬砌动力响应的影响。
The derived dry bulk modulus must be positive and greater than 2/ 3 of shear modulus to insure a positive lame constant and Poisson's ratio. 提取的干燥体变模量必须为正,并且大于剪切模量的2/3,以保证拉梅常数和泊松比为正。
Poisson's ratio increase as loading rates'decrease; 泊松比随加载速率的提高而减少;
It is found that the dynamic Poisson's ratio increases with generalized shear strain, but decreases with increasing effective confining pressure and stress ratio. 试验结果表明:土体的动泊松比随着广义剪应变的增大而增大;
Study of Method Measuring Poisson's Ratio of Cyclic Triaxial Specimens 循环三轴试验土样泊松比测试方法研究
This report presents a new method for the determination of the time dependent Poisson's ratio and its theoretical basis. 提出了一种确定随时间而变的泊桑比的新方法和它的理论根据;
The simulation results suggest that there is no obvious size effect for Poisson's ratio, compressive strength and Young's modulus and fracture toughness. 结果表明:泊松比、单轴抗压强度、弹性模量以及断裂韧性的尺寸效应不明显,弯曲强度则随着模型尺寸的增大而减小。
Lab Test of PCD's Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio PCD弹性模量、泊松比的测试实验研究
The effects of changing Poisson's ratio upon the vibration frequency parameters are studied. 分析了泊松比对薄板自由振动频率参数的影响,扩大了文中提出的变厚度矩形板自振频率参数计算公式的应用范围。
Calculation of Elastic Modulus and Poisson's Ratio of Symmetrical Composite Laminates 对称复合材料层板弹性模量和泊松比的计算
Results and Conclusion Four accurate expressions of viscoelastic Poisson's ratio were obtained. 结果与结论获得4种粘弹性泊松比的精确公式。
This method can be introduced to offer many informations: velocity, modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, Lame constants, stress, reflection coefficient, absorption factor and so on. 利用这种方法可以提供速度、杨氏模量、泊松比、拉梅常数、应力及反射系数和吸收系数等信息;
Through experiments being performed by using a system of rock physical parameters testing, dynamic and static elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio of rock have been obtained. 采用岩石物性参数自动测试系统,进行了实验测试分析,得到了不同岩石的动、静弹性模量和动、静泊松比。
By means of transfer matrix, the stress distribution in multilayered horizontal grounds is calculated. The relation between the stress concentration or stress dispersion in ground and the modulus of deformation and Poisson's ratio is derived. 利用传递矩阵法对分层地基中的应力分布进行了推导,得出了地基中应力集中或应力扩散与土体的变形模量及泊松比的关系。
In this paper, the tangent modulus and the tangent Poisson's ratio computed with internal friction angle under convenient pressure and with non-linear variability of strength under high pressure were compared. 文中对用低压力下内摩擦角所算得的切线模量、切线泊松比和考虑高压力下强度非线性变化计算的数值进行了比较。
Poisson's ratio is formulated in accordance with different behavior under tension and compression. 给定拉、压应力状态泊松比值的不同变化规律和公式。
Poisson's ratio is not a constant either, it increases with the depth; 泊松系数也不是常量,它随深度增加而增大。
The sensitivity analysis for Poisson's ratio and coefficient of permeability has given some beneficial conclusions. 对泊松比及渗透系数的参数敏感性分析也得出了一些有益结论。
This paper is available to obtain, accurate viscoelastic poisson's ratio of solid propellant. 本文对获得固体推进剂的精确粘弹性泊松比值具有重要实用意义。
Determination of dynamic modulus poisson's ratio and studies of influencing factor on Asphalt Concrete 沥青混凝土动变形模量和动泊松比的测定及其影响因素的研究
The influence of two-way different elastic modulus and poisson's ratio changes on displacement, the action of shear strength parameter and seepage force on layer stability sliding are discussed via theory research and analysis case. 基于实例分析和理论研究,探讨了双向异弹性模量和异泊松比对坝体位移的作用,分析了层面抗剪断特性及层面渗流对层面影响带稳定性的影响。
The calculation of equivalent elastic modules and Poisson's ratio of masonry RVE; RVE的等效弹性模量和泊松比的求取;
The relationships between strain rate and the elastic modulus, critical strain, Poisson's ratio and energy absorption capacity of concrete are still studied. 分析了应变率对混凝土弹性模量、峰值应力时的应变、泊松比和混凝土吸能能力的影响。
The influence of Poisson's ratio on the drape shape is considered. 另外讨论了织物的泊松比对其悬垂变形的影响问题,指出正常范围内的泊松比对织物的悬垂变形影响不大。
The influences of material characteristics including Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio are analyzed in the dissertation. 对于钢轨的材料特性,主要分析了弹性模量和泊松比的影响。